Aswan Forum :: From Intentions to Actions: Catalyzing Regional Cooperation for Peace, Security & Development in the Red Sea
From Intentions to Actions: Catalyzing Regional Cooperation for Peace, Security & Development in the Red Sea
(Closed Session)
The Red Sea region continues to witness a range of transnational threats and challenges including armed conflicts, terrorism, piracy, drugs and human trafficking and migrant smuggling. The COVID-19 pandemic and its socio-economic ramifications have further accentuated fragilities and the plight of vulnerable populations. Coordinated responses and collaborative frameworks are key to addressing such challenges as well as any new risks. However, several obstacles, stand in the way of their effective operationalization, including ongoing conflicts and asymmetries resulting from different political, economic and cultural systems and priorities. For too long, these dynamics have hindered any meaningful progress towards identifying common denominators for partnerships within the Red Sea region.

This session will provide an opportunity to advance a common understanding of the challenges and opportunities of the existing geo-political trends. It will also put forward concrete recommendations for innovative ideas and modalities to foster strategic collaboration through building trust and laying the foundation for sustainable peace and development in the region.
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