Aswan Forum :: Chartering Africa’s Way Forward: Recovering Stronger and Rebuilding Better
Chartering Africa’s Way Forward: Recovering Stronger and Rebuilding Better
(Closing Session)
The COVID-19 pandemic is a double-edged sword in the African context; despite its far-reaching impact on peace, security and development in the continent, the pandemic also provides a unique opportunity for accelerating the paradigm shifts that have emerged over the past years. From managing crises to strengthening prevention and resilience; from designing short-term fragmented responses to developing joint long- term integrated analysis, planning and programming; and from elaborating policies and strategies to operationalizing them in a coherent and holistic manner. The pandemic is a catalyst for humanitarian, development, peace and security actors to push for integrated approaches that transcend the traditional mindset of sequenced, siloed interventions in favor of strengthening community resilience, preventing conflicts and sustaining peace.

Through the “Aswan Conclusions”, prominent policymakers and experts will develop context-specific and action-oriented recommendations for Africa to recover stronger from the pandemic and rebuild better. With a view to advancing sustainable peace and development, Africa‟s national, regional and continental stakeholders, together with global partners, should join forces to ensure that the ramifications of the COVID-19 pandemic do not impede the achievement of “The Africa We Want”.
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