Aswan Forum :: Forced Displacement
Leaving No One Behind: Mainstreaming Migration in National Development Planning in the Sahel and Sahara Region
12 August 2020
Migration is both a means for humanitarian protection and an opportunity for economic security and development.
Mindful of the growing developmental and security drivers of migration and their complex interlinkages in the Sahel and Sahara region most notably: fragility, conflict, terrorism, compounded by climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic, the workshop aims to provide a platform for migration, development and peace and security actors to advance a shift from addressing migration as a stand-alone to a cross-cutting issue across different policy areas with prospects and implications for sustainable peace and development for the region and the continent. It presents concrete recommendations for operationalizing international and continental frameworks on mainstreaming migration in national development planning while taking stock of existing challenges and advancing policy coherence and responses across the development-peace continuum.
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